Thursday, September 21, 2006

Democrat or Republican?

I couldn't sleep so I thought what would put me to sleep the quickest? Figuring out if I'm a republican or a democrat, of course! Click here for a link to the first and only website I checked out. Since it was the first result on Google, it must be the most correct website regarding this subject, right? Below are 12 issues/topics taken from the website, along with both side's views on each. I have included my opinion as well.

1. Abortion
Democrats: Abortion is a woman’s right and should be legal
Republicans: Abortion should be illegal and restricted by government
Me: Abortion is murder and should only occur in rare cases (Yes, I am not speficially stating in which cases on purpose)

2. Flag Burning
Democrats: Flag burning is political speech and is protected by the Constitution
Republicans: Protect the flag from burning by a constitutional amendment
Me: I agree with the Democrats on this one

3. Gun Control
Democrats: Favor/Gun control is needed
Republicans: Oppose/Gun control is unconstitutional
Me: I tend to side with the republicans in that the people from whom we are trying to keep guns away are the type of people who get them illegally anyway; however, I can see this turning into a comparison of why we should legalize marijuana...

4. Natural Environment
Democrats: Strong regulations are needed to protect the environment
Republicans: Strong environmental laws harm the economy
Me: I can see both sides: on one hand, we need to take care of this world so that future generations can still exist; on the other, I don't think we should live like cavemen to do it...a happy medium needs to exist

5. Race Relations
Democrats: Strong anti-discrimination laws are needed
Republicans: People and businesses can be trusted not to discriminate
Me: I think discrimination is wrong, but so is reverse discrimination. Quotas and laws to ensure minorities are in the workplace don't seem right to me. Let the best person for the job have it, whether it be a man or a woman, someone with yellow or brown skin, a Jew or a Muslim, etc. If the best person for the job cannot be hired because a quota needs to be filled, well then, I think something is screwed up. It is very cliche, but still rings true, "Can't we all just get along?"

6. Minimum Wage
Democrats: Favor/Increase the minimum wage to help workers
Republicans: Oppose/Do not raise the minimum wage because it hurts businesses
Me: I side with republicans on this, not necessarily because it hurts businesses, but because in the long run it raises prices on everything else and helps increase inflation.

7. Healthcare
Democrats: Government should require universal access to healthcare
Republicans: Private insurers are preferable to government mandates
Me: I agree with the democrats here

8. Taxes
Democrats: Increase taxes on the wealthy to pay for public programs
Republicans: Cutting taxes for everyone helps the economy
Me: Agree with the republicans, sort of. Why punish someone for working hard to achieve the American dream? I'm for a flat tax, you make more you pay more, but it's still the same percentage. Obviously the IRS will still be in town and people will still find loopholes and all that, but I feel it would be more equal, which is what everyone (especially democrats) want, isn't it? Liberté, equalité, fraternité.

9. Military
Democrats: Cut military spending; expand veteran’s benefits; act in concert with other nations and/or with support from NATO and the UN
Republicans: Increase military spending; cut veteran’s benefits; don’t be constrained by other nations or by NATO and the UN
Me: Why can't we leave spending where it is and still expand veteran's benefits? Right now our armed forces are stretched thin and could use some help. As for all the vets, they fought and sacrificed for us so that we could sit in our comfortable homes and enjoy watching them on CNN...why can't we give up a little to help them out?

10. Death Penalty
Democrats: Oppose/It is not a deterrent and innocent people are in jeopardy
Republicans: Favor/The death penalty is necessary and effective
Me: I don't necessarily think the death penalty is a huge deterrent, but I do feel it is the right punishment for certain crimes.

11. Gay Rights
Democrats: Favor/Gays rights and marriage are civil rights
Republicans: Oppose/Marriage is a sacred trust between a man and woman
Me: I feel homosexuals are people just like everyone else and deserve rights; however, those rights should not infringe on the rights of others. Supposedly (as noted in an earlier post), this country should be "for the people, of the people, by the people," though it can't accomplish this by siding with the minority. As a moral issue, I don't like the idea of homosexual marriage. I agree with the saying, "hate the sin, love the sinner."

12. Prayer in School
Democrats: Oppose/Violation of the separation between church and state
Republicans: Favor/It is a religious right and our Judeo-Christian heritage
Me: We should be allowed to pray or perform other religious acts where appropriate and without it infringing on the rights of others. Me praying in school is not forcing others to acknowlegde my God as the only true God. I do not force them to pray to my God. All they have to do is sit there. If it's that big of a deal, I will keep my eyes open and not bow my head, then I can just call it free speech.

So, they way I scored it, 70% of my answers favored the republicans on the end result, not necessarily the reasoning behind it.

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