Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Part IV: Immigration

This country is the land of opportunity and vast majority of our ancestors are from other continents. What would this country be had it not been for the immigrants? Many of the jobs in which the haughty ‘Americans’ don’t want to be employed, yet require are performed by immigrants yearning to create a better life for their families. The American dream should be alive and well and available for all those who want it. Doing so legally can only help this country grow. That being said, it is not right for those who came here illegally to be granted amnesty. Yes, it would be unfair to all those who came through legal means, but on a more basic level, it was wrong. They broke the law and entered the country dishonestly. If illegal immigrants want the same rights as everyone else, they should go through the proper channels, means, paperwork, and lines required of them. If this process includes deportation, so be it. However, prospectively, I do not understand why quotas should be so low. Yes, we should try to keep terrorists and other threats to our country out, but what threat is posed to America by a hungry father trying to earn a living to provide for his poor family? Let them come, but let them come legally. See this CNN Article.

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