Monday, October 09, 2006

Death of the Internet

There are some people in the world, perhaps even the person next to you on the subway, that abhors personal contact. Being antisocial in this sense automatically qualifies one for the nerd or geek category, though the true definition of these two terms is still being argued. You might remember the Citibank identity theft commercial in which a 'nerd' steals someone's identity and uses this other person's credit card to buy a robot for the upcoming prom. Though the robot isn't a real person, at least the guy was going out in public. What did these antisocialites do pre-Internet? With all the chat rooms and everything else in the cyber universe, one can fill up on gossip and talk and everything else without ever having to see another person. But are these connections really relationships? Probably not. You should read this. Now, I don't think this means that Internet dating and other 'relationships' are going to fade into extinction, but our social skills, our ability to interact with live human beings, and true meaning in life are on the endangered species list. We need to act if we are to save them and in so doing save ourselves from social suicide.

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